Letter to the Editor of the Boston Globe, Nov. 13, 2013
Re: “Painkiller Addiction – The FDA takes action,” editorial, Nov. 9, 2013
In an editorial yesterday, the Globe applauded the US Food and Drug Administration’s decision recently to restrict access to hydrocodone-containing drugs such as Vicodin.
I strongly disagree, and here’s why. Making Vidocin and similar opioids harder to get may or not may not do anything to reduce the prescription drug abuse problem. But it will almost certainly hurt legitimate pain patients who need the drugs. The federal government, and America’s public debate in general, has focused almost exclusively on the supposed “epidemic” of prescription pain-reliever abuse, not on the far larger problem of chronic pain in America.
But consider the numbers. In 2011, the prestigious Institute of Medicine issued a report showing that out of 238 million American adults, 100 million are living in chronic pain, and many, though certainly not all, are disabled by it. (This number is undoubtedly an underestimate because it does not count children, people in the military and people in nursing homes.) Chronic pain is, by some measures, the main reason people go to doctors and is a bigger problem than heart disease, cancer and diabetes combined. People with chronic pain are at roughly twice the normal risk of suicide.
By contrast, the prescription pain reliever abuse problem is much smaller. In 2010, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16,651 people died in opioid-related deaths. (“Opioid” is the term scientists now prefer, instead of “narcotic.”) Obviously, that’s 16,651 people too many. But those same government figures show that only 29 percent of these 16,651 deaths involved opioids alone – the rest involved alcohol, benzodiazepines or other drugs. Yet it’s opioids – like the legitimate pain patients who need them – that get vilified.
It’s estimated that 12 million people a year are abusing opioids. But the denominator in this equation is never mentioned, and it’s huge. In 2009, 200 millions prescriptions for opioids were filled nationwide, according to the SDI Vector One National database, a privately owned prescription and patient tracking services.
Put bluntly, we’ve got the shoe on the wrong foot. The common presumption – by the government and, unfortunately, by some physicians as well – is that a pain patient is likely to be a real or potential drug abuser. That’s simply not true. Many pain patients take opioids and other drugs for years, even decades, without abusing them.
For the record, I’m no fan of Big Pharma, or even opioids. Opioids are highly imperfect drugs with lots of side effects, not even counting the risks of dependence, hormonal and immune problems or the potential for abuse. Opioids can reduce pain, but they often fail to eliminate it.
What they can do is allow some people to manage their pain enough to get on with their lives.
Judy Foreman
(Former Boston Globe “Health Sense” columnist Judy Foreman is the author of the forthcoming book “A Nation in Pain – Healing Our Biggest Health Problem,” coming out in February, 2014 from Oxford University Press.)